
NBC Fall Comedy, The Michael J. Fox Show

Last week KSL was sweet and invited me to a Red Carpet screening of some of the new NBC fall comedies.  My vote by far was the Michael J. Fox show. I was already excited to see Michael on TV again and the fact that it relates to his personal life off the air was pretty much a done deal for me before it even started.

For me these 30 minutes each week will be a reminder to laugh, even when things are NOT the way you planned them to be. To laugh often when someone in your family is fighting a debilitating disease. To enjoy the good, fight the bad and accept the ugly. The show scenario hits all too close to home for me, but I still enjoyed it.

Sure I cried when Michael was trying his hardest to open a jar of pickles and couldn't so his daughter stepped in and took over, that is what me, my sisters and mom would do for my dad.

Of course Michael will remind me of my dad every week. That's ok I want to remember my dad, his strength to overcome, persevere and his FIGHT for one more minute with all those he loves.

The preview had me at "Hello" and I hope it continues to keep me wanting more each week.
Thank you KSL for the opportunity to see the preview and share my thoughts.

Here is a sneak peak:

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