
you know you're a M.O.M. when...

you jump for joy when it gets dark by 8pm, so the fight from the children to go to bed will be over
(well at least the argument that it's not bedtime because it's light outside).

I believe this to be true for many a mom. We love our kids, but somedays we love them even more when they are sweetly sleeping. Like days like today where one after another they were upset at me for something and arguing with me about my parenting until I'd had enough and they are all in bed before 8 for everyone's sanity.

Seriously, I am looking for reasons to be happy it's getting dark early. I LOVE the sun and am sad when it goes away early. So here's to looking on the bright side of life. There's always a bright side.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE YOU! And I have a HUGE favor to ask of you... would you be willing to guest post for me once Gibb is born? I would love to feature you and your wisdom and grace! You could write about anything. Adventures in motherhood, lessons learned, what you love about being a mother, a time you celebrated a ladder, etc. ANYTHING! Let me know! I'll FB message you or text you.
