
Golfing for Autism

The American United Credit Union hosted a wonderful event benefiting the Autism Council of Utah. 
I had the honor of volunteering at this event, by buzzing around in a fun golf cart all day passing out drinks to all of the players. It was a beautiful hot sunny day, a tough job, but someone had to do it.
Here's proof that we "worked" hard or maybe just made fun pictures!

I am so glad that I have the opportunity to "play" with these incredible women. Three major events this year, why? Why do I do these events? Besides the fact that I believe it is part of my purpose here on earth, I've been given talents to make them happen and it brings me PEACE. Other than that I do it because I believe it makes a difference. Living in a state that doesn't provide insurance for many families with special needs including autism, we need all the help we can get. The funds we raise for the Autism Council of Utah goes to Grants for organizations/families here in the state of Utah.
The ACU is ran completely by volunteers. No One gets paid, it just goes back to where it's needed most. I believe that's a cause worth "playing/working" for.

If you're around I hope you come to our next event in November.
(hint hint: You might Catch on Fire)

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