
It's All Special

Welcome to the first edition of It's All Special: The Special Needs Link Up!

This is It's All Special: October Edition, hosted by Mishmash Mama, Trust Me, I'm a Mom, and Peace from 6 Pieces through the It's All Special Community on Google+.

This month, our members are talking about the responses they get when they tell people "My child has special needs."

special needs banner

When you link up, please:

  • Be on topic (silliness, humor, anger, honesty!)
  • Follow the hosts


Shannon @ Mishmash Mama


Cobilynn @ Peace from 6 Pieces


Michelle @ Trust Me, I'm A Mom

  • Add our badge to your post, or link back here
special needs button
  • Comment on at least 2 other posts! Share the love!
  • Use #ItsAllSpecial on social media
  • Also, feel free to request membership to It's All Special, our Google+ Community

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