

There's a reason why we can print our blogs into a cover, because every day I write, I add to My Story and who doesn't love a good book where they are the star, heroine, or slave (haha). My kids LOVE looking through their scrapbooks, that's where their story is written in the pictures and stories we tell about them at that particular age.

Like any good story there's a who, what, when, where, why. I love this picture because their personalities shine. I enjoy sharing with them what I think their strengths are. It's the story behind this picture that is the true art. Now I'm not a fascinating storyteller, but when you're talking about the person you're talking to, it doesn't seem to matter. (haha) 

I believe we all have a story to tell and one that needs to be read. Either in my life time or that of my descendants, my story is valuable and worth recording, that is why I am looking forward to learning how I can improve my storytelling/writing/blogging at the Story @ Home Conference, February 1&2, 2013. In the heart of SLC at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.

This conference is full of workshops and performances by award-winning storytellers, performers and speakers, who will help you explore ways to use the power of story in your home. You’ll be able to record your own story, start on some research to learn more about your family’s history, get started on a blog and learn how to tell your story through social media.

As I look over the class schedule for this conference I become giddy, every class is an excellent  topic and I know it will be difficult to choose which one I'll go to. I NEED them all! Here are my top five classes I have to attend:
1) Tell It Again by Kim Weitkamp
2) 365 Days of Story Prompts by Jenny Eckton
3) Writing for a Publisher by Bill Lepp and Christopher Robbins
4) Social Media by Tauni Everett, Emily Hill & Stephanie Hansen
5) Family Traditions by Veronica Johnson

This conference is extrememly affordable for just $79 you will be filled to the brim with knowlegde for two days. If both days don't work for your schedule you can just come one day. Meals are not included in the conference ticket, but because of the location there are endless restaurants right next door at City Creek and surrounding areas. To register for this conference go here. You also have a chance to win a conference pass right here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Love anything by Jane Austen! I also just finished The Giver - very interesting read!

  2. I was just talking about favorite books earlier today with my husband. We're huge fans of Alexander Dumas' Count of Monte Cristo, but I'd have to say Les Miserables was still at the top of my best reads ever!!!
