
Love Notes from Hallmark

I don't know about you but I LOVE getting LOVE NOTES in the mail. I was so happy when I walked into the Hallmark Suite at EVO and they said pick out some cards and send it to whoever you want. I wrote my message and they stamped and mailed it for me. It was so sweet when I got home, all the kids and the hubby had a love note in the mail from me. Did they feel special? Oh, yeah!!

Hallmark has a whole line of cards just to encourage kids to be their best selves. I felt like a great M.O.M. sending them a card and they felt extra special, just like they should. 

Remember how we used to write notes in Jr. High to each other and pass them secretly in the hall between classes? Well now kids can text bump each other between classes. It's a simple message in a high tech text band. Something new, something fun for a my baby who's starting Jr. High this year.

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