
Crafty Wars ParTay

Craft Wars is a new TV show and I had the luck to be able to go to the premiere with a few (100) other blogger friends and cheer for Mandi Gubler, Vintage Revivals and Jill, Girls with Good Taste
Bridget, Bridgey Widgey, party stylist extrodinaire was gracious enough to throw this wonderful party decked out with Italian Sodas from Orson Gygi, Cupcakes from One Sweet Slice, Swag from Pick Your Plum and the one and only Topsy Turvy Cake (above pic) from Ashlee. 

It was so great to meet up with friends and get to know new ones. I was even lucky enough to win a prize, I never win (never say never)! Before the night was over I had to take a splash into the pool, it was calling my name.
Look closely this slide is huge and a ton of fun as you shoot out from the drop and skid across the water to the other side of the pool. It's not a perfect night for me if it I don't do something out of the ordinary. So there it is a perfect night with a little bit of PEACE. 
Thank you, Bridget! xxx

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