

The Rock has gained a few more tricks and it is so exciting. He has started to understand the value of pointing and actually doing it. We started with two see through cups with dots on them, we would put one preferred thing in one cup and a non-preferred in another cup. We asked him to point to what he wanted. The first two days we helped him point, by holding his hand, but after a couple days he started to pointing on his own and a couple days after that he started pointing to things on his own. Pointing is so exciting because he has learned that he can communicate what he wants. A month ago he didn't have any wants. Now he brings me what he wants or points to it. He even is doing two steps by pointing to something up high and then pulling on me to and saying "u"(up) and then pointing to what he wants. As I write this seems so simple, it is, but it is such a big deal. My son ASKS for things, yeah! My son asks ME for things, yeah! My son WANTS something, yeah! The simple things you never knew were fundamentals are such BIG deals in the Rock's life. I love that the little things are big accomplishments. It makes life full of miracles everyday, that we took for granted before. It also makes life feel like we are climbing mountains everyday instead of bumps, but life comes in all sorts of trails. It's the attitude we face them with that makes the difference. Sometimes the attitude is the mountain I climb, thanks to miracles everyday, PEACE can find me if I let it.


  1. That is sooooo exciting and to think that there is more to come! I have learned, sometimes the hard way, that each child is o unique in how they can communicate. We are still having issues with B-man, but each day is a new day. I am so happy to hear that he is doing so well, and only those of us that have little ones that struggle with this really understand the small milestones that they reach. Just keep your chin up and know that you are thought of often and prayed for constantly. You will NEVER be given more than you can handle. Loves!

  2. I love these posts! I feel like we talk a lot and I know what is going on in your life, but these fill me with what your days are like. These are things that I think are hard to just explain to someone, but having them down to read makes them so much more concrete and easy to understand. You amaze me.

  3. And more miracles to come! This is exciting for your whole family. You are doing a great job.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing. This reminds me so much of what I have been through and makes me so grateful for where we are at now. This story particularly reminded me of when Jake first figured out how to dress himself. He wanted to where his wiggles Pj's in the afternoon. So I let him, but he had to put them on. They were inside out and backwards, but I didn't care. He had put them on all by himself, a task i was not sure he was ever going to complete. I sat and cried for a while because of the overwhelming joy. It was so nice to know that all the hard work was amounting to something.
