
Come WALK for the ROCK......

On September 18th, Saturday @ 10am Daybreak 5k for Operation Kids Scholarship Fund for Autism. All proceeds will go to scholarship funds for many families receiving treatment, including us. It is not possible for the Rock to get the help he needs without this scholarship, so we are asking forc help. Registration is only $5 with the encouragement for everyone raise additional funds to donate. If you would just like to donate to Operation Kids Scholarship Fund for Autism please go to the registration site and click "donate". We encourage everyone to tell everyone about this great event. All of you that would like to walk/run in honor of the Rock please contact me so that we can make matching shirts saying WALK for the ROCK! Not only will there be a fun walk/run that day, Daybreak will also be hosting a health fair and a Fizz Fest with lots of fun activities for kids. I hope that all of you will come and enjoy this day with us!


  1. Just watched the video of Hagen swimming. Wonderful! He is a darling boy.

  2. Hey, Cobi! Does the 5K start right at 10 ? My sister will be in town and we have some plans in the afternoon, but if it starts at 10, I think we can swing it!
