
there's MoNSteRs in my BED!!!!

So last Monday night we put the boys to bed as usual (the rock is still in his porta-crib). After about 15min Taz starts saying "There's monsters in my bed. DAD there's monsters in my bed! MONSTERS!MONSTERS!" Both Heman and I yell from downstairs "There are no monsters go to bed!" Taz starts crying and yelling "MONSTERS!" So Heman gets up and goes upstairs to find a MONSTER (the Rock) climbing all over Taz. It was black in their room and the Rock had never climbed out of his bed before (even though he loves to climb), so we didn't think it could have been him, but it was. Taz was relieved to find out it was only his brother and we were laughing! Now naps are pretty much over unless the Rock is exhausted and I know he doesn't have the energy to fight it (he is just like the other kids, tonz of energy). As far as bedtime goes, we have had to just wait until he is tired, instead of a set time. All because how do you tell a little boy to stay in bed, it's bed time, when he doesn't understand. This is just a knew adjustment to our lives and a learning curve to how autism effects the Rocks understanding and ours.


  1. That is great! I love that Taz immediately thought of Monsters and not my brother, well really who would think that their brother was climbing all over them? Sorry about the bed time. That stinks.

  2. Courtney and Ross' monsters were lobsters! Courtney tells me that she didn't like our humor back then. Knowing what I know today, if I could turn back time, I would. Life is so short and when your dreams are shattered you only wish you could do over again. I'm learning to dance in the rain, it isn't easy but God doesn't give us anything that we can't handle. He doesn't expect us to do it alone. Reach within yourself and you'll find him there. I love you Cobi!
